H2BLUE Test Reagent
With H2Blue You Can:
- Demonstrate the Presence of Hydrogen Gas (H2, Antioxidants) in Hydrogen Water
Measure the Level of Dissolved Hydrogen Gas in Parts Per Million (ppm or mg/L)
Insure that your H2 Device is Operating at Peak Performance by Measuring and Monitoring the Level of Dissolved Hydrogen Gas in the Water
Measure Dissolved Hydrogen Gas in Water Produced by a Variety of H2-Generating Technologies including: Hydrogen Infusion Machines (HIM's), Tablets, Ionizers, Sticks, Bubblers, Reactor Cartridges, Drops, etc.
Accurately Test for H2 Waters in pH Range of 4 - 11 (recommended for use in 7.0 - 9.5 pH range)
Contact Us Before Purchasing if Testing H2 Water Produced by Brown's Gas Devices (see Technical page)
US Patent Pending
Demonstrating the Presence of Antioxidants with H2Blue
H2Blue is a reagent designed to detect the presence of dissolved hydrogen gas, the therapeutic antioxidant in ionized water (as well as water from other devices which produce hydrogen-rich water). In the presence of dissolved hydrogen gas (H2), the molecules contained in H2Blue bond with the dissolved H2 gas molecules, causing the H2Blue molecules to turn "clear". When a drop of H2Blue is added to water containing an adequate level of dissolved H2 ( > 0.1ppm), the drop turns clear almost immediately. So-called "antioxidant" bottled waters will not cause H2Blue to turn clear if they do not contain dissolved hydrogen gas.
H2BLUE Test H2FX Video
Measuring Dissolved Hydrogen with H2Blue
H2Blue is a reagent designed to detect the presence of dissolved hydrogen gas in water by performing what chemists call a "titration". In a titration, a substance of known concentration (the H2Blue reagent) is added to a measured volume of water containing an unknown level of dissolved hydrogen gas (H2) . In the presence of dissolved hydrogen gas, the H2Blue molecules bond with the dissolved H2 molecules, causing the blue molecules to turn "clear". As additional drops are added, the available dissolved hydrogen molecules are "consumed" until there are no more dissolved H2 molecules in the water. This is called the "titration endpoint". When the endpoint has been reached, additional drops will no longer turn clear and the solution will remain blue. By counting the number of drops of H2Blue required to reach the titration endpoint for 6 mL of water, and then multiplying the number of drops by 0.1, the level of dissolved H2 gas in parts per million (ppm) can be determined. For example, 6 drops x 0.1 = 0.6 ppm of dissolved H2. (ppm can also be expressed as mg/L)
Insuring Peak Performance of H2 Water Devices with H2Blue
When hydrogen water devices are new, they may produce good levels of dissolved hydrogen gas (H2). But, as calcium contained in the source water begins to accumulate on the electrodes and plumbing, the dissolved hydrogen levels can begin to drop, sometimes in as little as a few weeks. By using H2Blue to measure dissolved H2 levels, you can be assured that your device is performing at peak levels. H2Blue can also be used to measure the dissolved H2 levels in water produced by other devices including hydrogen tablets, magnesium sticks, and non-electric counter-top hydrogen-water generators.
Package Description for H2Blue
The H2Blue bottle contains 10 mL of reagent and will dispense approximately 400 drops (a typical test for dissolved hydrogen gas will take between 4 and 10 drops). Since bottle capacity is approximately 13 mL, it will not be completely full when received (bottles are filled to 10 mL +/- 0.1 mL using precision dispensing equipment). H2Blue comes in an HDPE plastic bottle with a child-resistant cap. The H2Blue bottle comes stored in a plastic graduated beaker with a screw cap. The beaker is used to measure the precise volume of hydrogen water (6 mL) required for accurate testing of dissolved H2 levels. H2Blue should be stored in a cool, dry place, and should be used within 12 months of purchase.
Using H2Blue to Test Atypical Hydrogen Waters
H2Blue is designed for testing dissolved H2 levels in hydrogen water produced from water ionizers, hydrogen infusion machines (HIM's), tablets, sticks, etc. H2Blue may not provide accurate results when used to test hydrogen water containing other dissolved gases such as Chlorine (Cl2) and Oxygen (O2), or dissolved compounds (such as Vitamin C). These can sometimes be found in hydrogen water produced by devices such as Brown's Gas generators or in beverages (such as orange juice) into which a hydrogen-gas reactor cartridge has been placed. The presence of other reductants/oxidants may produce incorrect results by interfering with the redox reaction between the dissolved H2 gas and H2Blue.
H2BLUE Test Helpful Hints
The H2Blue spout is designed to dispense a precise droplet size for testing dissolved H2 levels. When dispensing each drop, turn the bottle completely upside down, squeeze the bottle until one drop exits the spout, then release the pressure (which creates a small vacuum). Repeat this for each ensuing drop. Dispensing H2Blue in this way will help to prevent excess reagent from running down the spout.
- After completing each measurement, be sure to completely rinse the beaker to remove all H2Blue residue. If H2Blue residue is permitted to accumulate on the inside of the graduated beaker, this may result in inaccurate H2 readings.
- Because dissolved hydrogen gas starts to escape immediately after the sample is taken, try to perform measurements as quickly as possible. Multiple drops of H2Blue can be added to save time, but do not add too many, which may cause you to pass the titration endpoint.
- Fill the beaker directly from the device without using any type of intermediate container such as a drinking glass-hold the beaker at a slight angle while filling to prevent any splashing which may inadvertently force dissolved hydrogen gas out of the water.
- When doing measurements, avoid shaking the beaker, which can significantly reduce the dissolved H2. It is better to use a small straw (such as a coffee stirrer or toothpick) to gently stir the drops into the sample water.
- When approaching the titration endpoint, be sure to count the last drop required to cause the sample to remain blue.
H2Blue pH Range
H2Blue pH Range
H2Blue has been tested for performance accuracy in the pH range of 4 to 11. Although H2Blue may still detect dissolved H2 outside of this range, results may be skewed or reaction times altered.
H2Blue and Staining
H2Blue contains methylene blue, a compound used as a biological tissue dye. Therefore, H2Blue can stain any surface it touches (possibly permanently, depending on porosity). It is recommended that surrounding surfaces be protected from inadvertent splashing when using it. Use of a mild abrasive cleanser will usually remove the stain. Use soap & water to remove from skin.
H2Blue Shipping
H2Blue is shipped in Europe and in Switzerland (3-7 days) by express courier. For different shipments and international addresses, please contact us.
H2Blue Quantity Pricing
Wholesale discount pricing in multiple tiers is available for customers wishing to purchase H2Blue in larger quantities. Please contact us using our Contact Page for more information.
H2Blue Warranty
H2Blue is warranted to perform as described here for one year* from date of purchase. Please contact us using our Contact Page for more information.
*12-month Pro-Rata