Our Story

H2FX Inc. was formed February of 2016. The Company started because of the desire to bring truth and integrity to the hydrogen water industry. H2FX Inc. is devoted to accomplishing this goal by establishing a firm foundation on the accurate science of Molecular Hydrogen and its therapeutic benefit to humanity. Our typical customers are doctors, athletes, and health-conscious individuals. We will do our best to provide them the highest quality hydrogen devices on the market at a competitive price and excellent customer service.

The philosophy we have utilized in building our business is fairness. “We believe that fairness is the key to success”. We will build beneficial professional alliances with our customers, suppliers, and our employees base off of this principle. This will help H2FX Inc. grow and prosper. Our head office is located Kansas City, KS.

What H2FX is all about:

  • respecting the truth
  • respecting our customers
  • respecting those who do the work

Respecting the truth

We believe hydrogen gas can help the people that count the most in our lives (family and friends etc.). Those special people deserve our best efforts when it comes to us learning and educating in a completely truthful way. To that end, every Affiliate must obtain the Advisor Level of Certification from the non-profit, education-base Molecular Hydrogen Foundation. In addition, every document or video that we create must be approved by our scientific team for accuracy before it gets published. We expect that the people who buy our products will be in our lives for a very long time. It is imperative that our customers feel good about the value and service that our products deliver.

Respecting our customers

We strive to deliver high quality products at the best prices, but we believe great value means more than products and prices. Value means building relationships where our customers trust us and appreciate our efforts to always put their interests first.

Respecting those who do the work

Upon review of many different direct marketing plans, we found they primarily rewarded Recruiters (the “business builders”). In those plans, the majority of people that did the actual selling to family and friends typically earn minimal commissions in the early stages, while the majority of the money gets paid to Upline people. In most direct marketing systems, the reality for most Affiliates is much different than the “promises of riches” offered during Recruitment sessions. H2FX pays the people that actually sell to their family and friends instead of paying the majority of the commission to mostly invisible Uplines. We believe that educating our Affiliates eliminates the need for an Upline beyond the person that sponsored them. If there is ever a question that you can’t find the answer to, you can reach out to our President, who will personally assist you by telephone, email, or chat.